Discover the brand
Points communs

Our naming

The Nouvelle Scène Nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val-d’Oise is undergoing a change of management and artistic project. At the same time as the two historic structures, Théâtre 95 and L’Apostrophe, are being merged into a single entity bringing together the teams and the three facilities, the aim is to become a major creative hub in the Paris region.

The new project reflects the supervisory bodies’ ambition: to change the way in which the national stage relates to the public. One of the major challenges of this project is to ensure that the audiences for the national stage are even more representative, than they are at present, of the cultural, social and community diversity of the region.

The Cergy-Pontoise national stage is therefore developing its brand identity.

Points Communs, a name that reflects a desire to share, exchange and meet. It’s a way of signifying the convergence of artistic proposals as much as the interest they can arouse in the local population (and beyond!).

The “common” form – in the noble sense of the word – is intended to guarantee openness and accessibility.