Discover the brand

Our naming

International Cookware is a French company specialising in the manufacture of borosilicate glass products (which resist thermal shock – a guarantee of safety and resistance).

Its main brands are Pyrex and Arcuisine. Arcuisine is a range of containers that can withstand very high temperatures, cold and shocks, offering an alternative to ceramic dishes, Tupperware and other pressure cookers.

International Cookware wanted to change Arcuisine’s brand identity and commissioned the Nomen agency to do so.

Ôcuisine, is a name that is highly evocative of the culinary world in all 50 countries where the brand is distributed! The clear, visible presence of the noun ‘cuisine’ embraces this imaginary world of French gastronomy, art de vivre and elegance. The ‘Ô’ conjures up notions of enthusiasm and pleasure.