Discover the brand

Our naming

Originally a family business, the Rougnon group is a full-service provider of maintenance, renovation, servicing and repair work in the Paris region.

It is made up of a group of 25 companies on a human scale, operating under their own brands.

As a result of its growth and the fact that the group’s teams have become its main shareholders, the decision was taken to create a new identity to reflect this development.

The name MYRIUM refers to a ‘myriad’ of stars, evoking a constellation of autonomous, interdependent and complementary subsidiaries that combine their people and expertise.

Together, they form a strong community, united by a shared vision of providing a high-quality global service.

The logo is composed of lower-case lettering and a constellation of dots that reinforce the concepts conveyed by the name. The roundness of the letters and the leg of the final “M” convey an idea of closeness. The colour gradation created reflects the notions of harmony and technicality that underpin Myrium’s approach.