Our naming
Located in Bordeaux, the future Cité du Vin will not only showcase wine-related professions and products, but it will also make the city a strong and symbolic place for these activities.
This cultural and tourist structure dedicated to the world of wine will focus on a number of areas:
- Discovery, cultural enrichment, learning, openness and information
- Experience, the idea of a place ‘to live’, interactivity, sensoriality
- Entertainment, escape, travel, a change of scenery, leisure
- Pleasure, living together
Carrying out a study to obtain a detailed assessment of each name on the short-list in terms of the following aspects:
- Perception of the name in terms of sound
- Spontaneous evocations
- Spontaneous attribution to different sectors before presentation of the concept
- Suitability and appeal of each name after presentation of the concept
Quantitative online survey of 3 target groups:
- 100 Girondins aged 30 and over, expressing an interest in the world of wine
- 100 French people (excluding Gironde residents) aged 30 and over, expressing an interest in the world of wine
- 200 foreign tourists (100 British, 100 Spanish) expressing an interest in the world of wine, and having visited or intending to visit France in the next 12 months.