Discover the brand

Our naming

Due to the ongoing evolution in the transport industry, PSA wants to transform their own operations to become a standout business in mobility. As such, PSA has come up with a new transport platform made to offer a wide range of services in the form of a website and an app.

PSA has asked for Nomen’s help in finding a name for this brand as well as creating a visual identity that can be used across all of their services on both platforms.

Nomen’s strategic planning and methodology led the PSA Group’s committee and board of directors into choosing the name “Free 2 Move”. This name was proposed internally, representing “freedom in movement”, both now and in the future.

The logo Free2Move is easily recognisable as it is made up of the new name. The round and elongated typography gives an idea of ease and movement. Furthermore, the way that some of the letters open up expresses ideas of freedom. The 2 is emphasised by its blue colour, symbolising freedom and calmness. Furthermore, the blue and magenta curves in the centre of the “o” reflect the brand’s activity (mobility, the wheel, transport…).