The CGI is the professional organisation that represents the whole trading sector. This organisation is born from the fusion of the French Confederation of whole trade (CNCG) and the French federation of international trade societies (FFSCI).
In 2021, the CGI held a first internal reflection during which their brand name began to be questioned. A study of member federations also agreed that a name change was needed.
The name CGF “Confédération des grossistes de France” (French Wholesalers Conferderation) outlines the confederation’s commitment and drive to improve and promote wholesale work throughout France.
The logo is composed of Capital letters, a sign of status and solidity. The link between the C and the G stands for togetherness and the unbreakable link between the confederation and wholesalers. The opening on the G and the F equally connote an openness. The colours embody trust, dynamism and creativity.