Discover the brand

Our naming

Born from the fusion of the companies sicadima, péhu and beaupré motoculture, the “machinery” unit of terrena’s upstream division came to Nomen for help on the creation of their new identity.

Specialist in farm equipment, the entity offers global solutions combining machines, local services and personalized advice for farmers.

The name agréom was created as a neologism which symbolises our work on earth with the root agri, as well as phonetically (-om sounds like homme – man in French). A dimension of movement and momentum can be found at the heart of the name (eo means “I go” in Latin). The logo features a graphic connection to the 3 fused companies, through both its colours and its contemporary, polysemous symbol, it represents paths, meeting and fusion. It suggests the variety of the different solutions offered. The capitalised typography and sans-serif font reflects the company’s status.