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Our naming

The renovation market in the Ile-de-France region has a potential annual value of €5 billion.

Vinci Energies Tertiaire IDF has a company, SAGA Réhabilitation, which specialises in general contracting for the renovation of multi-family housing. By capitalising on SAGA Réhabilitation, Vinci Energies aims to extend its offering to the commercial and local authority markets.

In particular, the aim is to respond to the environmental challenges and issues related to connected objects, which are now the main insights into demand for rehabilitation.

This reorganisation involves a change of identity to better match the new strategic ambitions.

Qivy is a short, modern and visual name, the sound of which expresses the idea of life. The ‘Q’ is  also a reminder of quality, both in terms of the services provided and the quality of life in renovated buildings. More implicitly, QI is an indication of intelligence, and ivy is the climbing plants that cover many old, beautiful buildings.