Discover the brand

Our naming

Three engineering schools (HEI, ISA and ISEN), sharing the same values and ambitions, are joining forces to broaden their training offer, open up to other geographical sectors and gain greater communication power. They are therefore seeking to create a new identity for this grouping.

Nomen was asked to lead their joint branding and communications strategy, creating the group’s brand to embody this identity.

Yncrea reflects the idea of reinvention and growth, referring to the term ‘to increase’, as well as the term ‘engineer’, a neologism whose tone strikes a balance between stature and connivance.
The logo’s symbol, inscribed within a double circle symbolising the idea of grouping, represents the Y, a distinctive sign of the brand through its strong graphics and multiple evocations. It can also be seen as an integral, a mathematical symbol signifying the sum of associations. The name’s typography, all lower-case, evokes the values of proximity through its roundness.

The logo is mostly black, an undisputed colour of seriousness, but is softened by the use of a luminous orange-yellow, the symbol of creativity, thus representing the group’s dual purpose.