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Our naming

Launched in 2014, the SMARTDAYS project aims to “shake up” the personal savings market in France by democratizing wealth management. SMARTDAYS aims to emerge as a credible new player in the online savings market, with the ambition of being the first digital discretionary management company based on a simple, effective online asset allocation service. To accompany its launch on the consumer market, the company therefore wishes to change its name to a disruptive, memorable, easily pronounceable identity.

The name Yomoni combines the pronoun “your” with a reworking of the term money, evocative of the financial world. The possessive pronoun “your” evokes support, personalized service, and therefore a company that takes care of its customers. Finally, with its simple spelling and consonant sounds, this name illustrates the accessibility and efficiency of the service offered. Its message, easy pronunciation and pleasant rhythm make it a name that reflects the company’s ambitions and inventiveness.