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Our naming

A possible name for the waste disposal network of the syndicat mixte de la vallée de l’oise could be ecodéchet. This name combines the concepts of ecology and waste management, while being easy to remember and evocative of environmental preservation. It highlights the ecological commitment while remaining simple and accessible for both individuals and professionals.

The acronym Verdi stands for “Valorisation et Recyclage des Déchets en Intercommunalité” and effectively emphasizes the recycling activity in a clear and positive manner. The technical precision of the term is counterbalanced by the appeal of the acronym, which has strong ties to timeless musical culture, introducing a strong sense of enjoyment. In addition to referencing the composer Giuseppe Verdi, the name also evokes concepts of nature and the environment through words like “vert” (green), “verdure” (greenness), and “verdeur” (freshness), linking the initiative to ecological values.