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Départ 18:25

Our naming

The national agency for vacation vouchers (ANCV) is a government agency that has been carrying out a unique mission for thirty years: to promote access to vacations for the highest number of people as possible.

The ANCV has decided to implement a program for young people aged 18 to 25 aimed at supporting and encouraging their holidays through financial assistance: the ancv will finance half of the stay up to 150 euros, while the young person will make a minimal contribution of 50 euros. The challenge was to create a dynamic name that aligns with the spirit of the ANCV but is also accessible to a target audience that, despite its narrow age range, exhibits a wide social and financial diversity (students, young professionals, job seekers, interns).

Départ 18:25 is a simple, effective, and open name that encompasses all types of vacations, regardless of location (in France and Europe), duration (weekend, a week, or more), accommodation (camping, hotel, etc.), or type of stay (relaxation, culture, etc.).